About me
How did I get here
What inspires me

Born on: 1ST Jan, 1943; at Tamluk town, West Bengal, INDIA
ADDRESS (Residence and Studio)
New Delhi - 2B GASTA Complex, B 3 Paschim Vihar, New Delhi – 110063, India
Phone: +91-11-2-526-0727; Mobile: 09871638071
Kolkata – F-17 New Garia Co-operative Housing Society, PO – Panchasayar,New
Garia,Kolkta-700094, India Phone: +91-33-2-423-3498
Mobile: 09836159239
1966 first Class (Distinction) Diploma in Modeling & Sculpture, Govt. College of Art & Craft,
1967 Passed Teachers’ Training Art Appreciation Course (History of Art), from Calcutta
1967-69 Recipient of National Cultural Scholarship under Prof. Chintamoni Kar, Principal, Govt
College of Art and Craft, Calcutta
1973-74 Recipient of British Council Scholarship under Prof. Jeffrey Smedly, Department of Fine
Art, Portsmouth, Polytechnic, U.K.
1993 Received U.G.C Grants under Indo- Hungarian Cultural Exchange Program in Budapest
1997 Fulbright fellowship (USA)
2001 Received ‘KALA VIBHUSAN’ from All India Fine Arts and Craft Society (A1FACS),
New Delhi, INDIA
2014 awarded PADMA SHRI form the Govt. of India
1968: Alliance Francaise, Calcutta
1970: All India Fine Arts and Craft Society (A1FACS), New Delhi
1977: Sridharini Gallery, Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi,
1981: Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1983: Rabindra Bhawan, Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi,
1983: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai
1986: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai
1988: Sridharini Gallery, Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi
1989: New Jersey, USA, in; Sponsored by Mont Clair State College, New Jersey
1989: Consulate General of India, New York, USA. Travel grant by Indian Council for Cultural
Relations, New Delhi
1990: Russian Cultural Center, New Delhi,
1990: Galerie 88 Calcutta.
1990: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai
1992: Indian Culture Center, Cairo. Egypt sponsored by the Govt. of India (Ministry of External
Affairs & I. C.C.R.)
1993: Budapest, Hungary,
1994: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai
1996: Galerie 88. Calcutta
1996: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai,
1998: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai,
2000: Taj Art Gallery, Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai,
2005: Thriven Kale Sangam, sponsored by Krishna’s Collection Gallery, Delhi
2005: Retrospective show, sponsored by Birla Academy of Art and Culture Kolkata
2010 Lalit kala Akademi, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi
2011 Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
2011 25th solo show, sponsored by ICCR, Kolkata
2014 26th solo show(retrospective) by Art Pilgrim Gallery, Gurgaon, at Sridharini Art gallery, New Delhi
Calcutta Sculptors Guild.
All India Fine Art & Craft Society, New Delhi.
Habitat Art Gallery, New Delhi
Birla Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta.
Galerie 88, Calcutta
Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi
Dhoomimal Gallery, New Delhi
Govt. College of Art & Craft, Calcutta. Teachers’ Exhibition.
New Delhi & Mumbai Bangalore, Calcutta.
Art Today, New Delhi
CIMA Art Gallery, Calcutta
La Mere Art gallery. Calcutta
Gallery freedom, New Delhi
Academy of fine art, Calcutta
College Of Art, New Delhi
Delhi Sahitya Kala Parishad, New Delhi
Art Alive, New Delhi
India Artist Circle, New Delhi
Creative Wave,Delhi,Kolkata
Gallery RASA,Kokata
AAKRITI Gallery,Kolkata
1974 Biennale Belgium
1978 Triennale India,
1986 Second Asian Art Show, Fukuoka Japan
1987 Biennale Bangladesh, Dhaka
1988 Contemporary Asian Show, Seoul
1988 India Festival in USSR, Moscow
National Exhibition of Art, Sanity Kala
Parishad, Delhi. Silver Jubilee Exhibition of Lalit Kala Academy held in
European Counties, Middle East Dubai Mumbai and Salerjung Museum, Hyderabad.
1965 Prof. S. N. Ghosal Award, Govt. College of Art & Craft Calcutta
1966 Education Secretary Award, Govt. Of West Bengal
1968 Awarded All India Fine Art & Craft Society, New Delhi.
1971 Awarded Sir Ushanath Sen Memorial Medal, A1FACS, N. Delhi.
1972 Awarded Sir Ushanath Sen Memorial Medal A1FACS, N. Delhi
1972 Best Award from Punjab Lalit Kala Academy, Chandigarh
1972 National Award (Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi)
1975 Awarded D. P. Roychowdhury Memorial Medal A1FACS, N. Delhi
1976 A1FACS Award, New Delhi
1979 Best Award from Sahitya Kala Parishad, Delhi
1980 Birla Academy Of Art and Culture Award, Calcutta
1984 Sahitya Kala Parishad Award Delhi
1975 Participated All India Artist Camp Srinagar, Kashmir
1982 Participated Lalit Kala Academy Sculptors’ Camp, Amritsar
1986 Participated Artists’ Camp Badkhal Lake, organized by Sahitya Kala
Parishad, Delhi
1989 Participated in Artists’ Camp, organized by AIFACS, New Delhi
2001 Participated in Artists’ Camp, organized by The Lalit Kala Academy,
Regional Center, Calcutta
2004 All India Sculptor/Potters camp,JD Center of Art,Bhubanaeswar,Orrisa
2004 Kala Kumbh Amritsar Academy of Art,Amritsar
2005 All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society,New Delhi
2005 Kalabrat International Artist Camp,Ujjain,MP
2006 All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society,New Delhi
2006 Kalagram,Chandigarh,North Zone Cultural Centre
2006 Sculptors/Painters camp,Karseong,Darjeeling sponsored by Bajoria Holding
Group Private Ltd. Kolkata.
2006 India Sculptors Camp (Bronze casting) sponsored by Gallery ’88.Kolkata.
2006 India Sculptors Camp (Stone carving) sponsored by Lalit Kala Accademy ,New Delhi
and Dept.of Culture,Govt of Karnataka ,Bangalore
2006 Sculptores Camp (Bronze casting) organized by Artists Forum,Kolkata
2007 Sculptors Camp(Bronze casting) at Jaipur organized by Sanskriti Art Gallery Kolkata.
2007 Painters Camp at Goa organized by Samanvai Art Gallery Jaipur.
Speaker - India International Cultural Center, New Delhi, Rotary International, New Delhi, and Meerat, Uttar Pradesh, Govt. College of Art and Craft, Calcutta.
Lectures - Mont Clair State College, U. S. A. Virginia Common Wealth University, U. S. A.; District Columbia Art Center, Washington DC U. S. A.; Trinity College of art C. T. U.S.A, Senior Secondary School, Maryland, U.S.A.; Atelier, Alexandria, Egypt. Ministry of Culture, Budapest, Hungary
Lecture demonstration - Visva Bharati Shantiniketan, Rabindra Bharati University, Lalit Kala Academy Regional Center, Calcutta. ; Govt. College of Art and Craft, Calcutta.
National Gallery of Modem Art, New Delhi
Lalit Kala Academy, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi.
Sahitya Kala Parishad, Delhi.
Triveni Kala Sangam New Delhi.
Govt. Museum of Modem Art, Chandigarh.
State Museum and Architecture, Jaipur.
College Of Art, New Delhi.
All India Fine Arts and Craft Society, New Delhi.
Kashmir Academy of Art, Stringer.
India Gandhi International Air Port, New Delhi.
Birla Academy of Art & Culture, Calcutta.
Paris, Italy, Scotland, England, U.S.A. Egypt, Dubai, Hungary.
Visited Mauritius as an expert for the monumental art project of Govt. of Mauritius and revisited the second time for supervision & installation of the bronze and marble bust of Pt. Nehru Ji and Poet Subramania Bharati respectively. Recent visit to Cambodia and Thailand. Berlin, Czechoslovakia, Vienna, Istanbul
Safari Hams Memorial trust. New Delhi.
Prime Minister Relief Fund for flood in Bengal.
Ramakrishna Mission, New Delhi.
Nominated Member of the General Assembly of the ICCR, New Delhi
Life member - All India Fine Arts and Craft Society, New Delhi.
Member, Calcutta Sculptors Guild.
Life member, Bengal Association, New Delhi.
President-”CREATIVE WAVE”, Calcutta
Mostly collected by private and corporate sectors in Bombay, Goa, Hyderabad, Calcutta and Delhi and in abroad, namely, in U.SA-Germany, Egypt, U.K. Pakistan, Nepal, France, Belgium, Canada Italy, South Africa, Yugoslavia, Hong Kong, Portugal, Zambia and Switzerland. Korea
Worked for the I.C.C.R. New Delhi: - Bronze Bust of Mahatma Gandhi Ji (2&1/2ftx1&1/2ft life size) Installed in Brazil, Venezuela, Spain, Italy.
Worked for the Ministry Of External Affairs, Govt. Of India: - Bronze Bust of Poet Subramanian Bahrain and Marble Bust of Pt. J.L. Nehru, first Prime Minister of India (2 -1/2 ft & 1-1/2 life size), installed in Mauritius. Bronze Bust of Indira Gandhi (2-1/2 ft, 1 -1/2 ft life size) also installed in Mauritius.
Life sitting Bronze Bust of former President of India Giani Zail Singh for Rashtrapati Bhawan
Worked for the Delhi Development Authority and Bharat Aluminum Company
Bronze Busts of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, first Prime Minister of India (3 feet high, over life-size) installed at Delhi University Campus and Jiao Nagger, West Bengal.
Worked for the Ministry Of Sports, Govt. Of India :-Bronze Statue of Major Dhyan Chand, Hockey Wizard (9-feet-high over life-size) installed in front of National Stadium, New Delhi.
Worked for the Ramthakur Associate, New Delhi:-Marble Statue of Sri Sri Ramthakur (Seated Dimensions:4- 1/2' H x 3-1/2' x 3') installed at Ram Thakur Mandir, New Delhi.
Several other Bronze Busts Commissioned:- installed in Delhi, Jabbalpur, Panipath, West Bengal and Nepal.
Commissioned 7-ft- high bronze statue of Smt. Abha Maity, former Union Minister, in Calcutta (Bharat Margarine Co.)
Commissioned 6-ft-high bronze statue of Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, installed in Calcutta (Higher Education Council. West Bengal) and a bust of Ishwar Chandra
“VIDYASAGAR ”installed at Vidyasagar’s residence, North Calcutta
Commissioned bronze bust at Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee for Bharatia Vidya Bhawan, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Memorial Trust, Calcutta
Commissioned marble bust of Late Dr.B.C.Roy and Late P.C.Sen,Ex-Chief Minister of West
Bengal, for Kolkata Municipal Corporation,Kolkata
Commissioned bronze bust of Mr.Shambhunath Pandit,Justice of Kolkata High Court,for
Shambhunath Pandit Hospital,Kolkata.
Commissioned Bronze bust of Loknayak Jayaprakas Narayan for LNJP National Institute
of Criminology and Forensic Science,Rohoni,New Delhi
Commissioned nine ft bronze statue of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for JNU,New Delhi
Commissioned bronze bust of Jadu Bhatt for Jadu Bhutt Rangmanch Bishnupur West Bengal
Commissioned large vitrified terracotta relief murals for Vidyasagar Smriti Museum, Kolkata
Commissioned bronze busts of Acharya J.C. Bose for the Bose Institute, Calcutta, installed in Christ College, Cambridge, UK. Bangalore,Darjeeling,Ministry of Science and technology, New Delhi, Bose Institute, Kolkata
Commissioned Marble Bust of Mahatma Gandhi for the ICCR, installed in Berlin, Germany
Commissioned bronze bust of Pt. J. L. Nehru for the ICCR, installed in the museum, Singapore
Commissioned bronze bust of Pt J. L. Nehru for JNU, installed at the Seminar hall, JNU, N. Delhi
Commissioned bronze bust of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukerjee for Shyama Prasad Mukerjee College, Kolkata
Commissioned the restoration of large mural, done by Achrya Nanadalal Bose, at the lecture hall of Bose Institute, Kolkata
Commissioned the mural in oil media (6feetX 16feet) for the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata.
Commissioned for the ICCR, New Delhi, bronze bust Pandit Nehru installed in Slovenia.
Commissioned for the Motilal Nehru College, New Delhi, Bronze bust of Pandit Motilal Nehru.
Commissiond for the Apeejay House LTD, Kolkata, nine feet bronze statue of Shri Jit Paul, Owner of
Thw Apeejay Hose, installed at Park Street, Kolkata
Prepared the bronze statue (seven feet height) of Swami Vivekananada, honorary bais for Tamralipa
Mahavidya laya, Tamluk, East Midnapur, West Bengal
Lecturer, College Of Art, New Delhi. 1969 -94
Principal, Govt. College of Art and Craft, Calcutta. 1994 to 2002
University Of Delhi, India
Banaras Hindu University, India
Punjab University, Chandigarh, India
Rajasthan School Of Art, Jaipur, India
Jamia Millia University, Delhi
Visva Bharati, Kala Bhawan , Shanti Niketan, India
Tripura University, Agartala- India
Calcutta University, India
Sharada Ukil School Of Art, New Delhi , India
Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, New Delhi, India
Rabindra Bharati University, Calcutta, India
Assam University, Silchar, India
National Exhibition of Art, Rabindra Bhawan, New Delhi, India
Indian Railways, India
All India Fine Arts and Craft Society (AIFACS), New Delhi, India
State Academy, West Bengal, India
Academy Of Fine Art, Calcutta, India
Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Calcutta, India
Orissa State Academy, Bhubaneswar, India
Union Public Service Commission., New Delhi, India
M.S. University, Baroda, India
Viswa Bharati, Shantiniketan, India
Ministry of Human Resources, New Delhi, India
State level Exhibition, govt. of Nagaland, Kohima, India
State Exhibition, Manipur, Imphal, India
RESIDENT &STUDIO, DELHI( Correspondences Address)
B3/2B Gasta Housing Society, Paschim Vihar, New Delhi-110063, India
Phone- 011-25260727; M: 09871638071
F 17 New Garia Co-op Development Housing Society, Kolkata-700094
Phone- 033-24323498; M: 09836159239
Biman Bihari Das is an Indian sculptor and former Principal of the Government College of Art & Craft, Kolkata. He was honoured by the Government of India, in 2014, by bestowing on him the Padma Shri, the fourth highest civilian award, for his services to the field of Fine Arts.
Das has held exhibitions, both solo and group, in many parts of the world. His solo exhibitions, more than 22 in number, have been staged at places like New Jersey, Cairo and Budapest, apart from many cities in India. He had a retrospective in the National Exhibition of Art of 2005, at Sahitya Kala Parishad, New Delhi, which was sponsored by Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata. He was also one of the artist participants of the Silver Jubilee exhibitions of Lalit Kala Akademi, organized at many European and Middle East countries, along with Salarjung Museum, Hyderabad and Mumbai. Some of his notable exhibitions were:Biennale Belgium – 1974, Triennale India – 1978, Second Asian Art Show, Fukuoka Japan – 1986, Biennale Bangladesh, Dhaka – 1987, Contemporary Asian Show, Seoul – 1988, and India Festival in USSR, Moscow – 1988.